Planning Boards Marketing Report for 2023


This report provides a brief analysis of the magnetic planning boards sub-market in the Amazon US market, aiming to offer valuable information for cross-border industry stakeholders of Amazon from aspects such as market trends, product analysis recommendations, and consumer insights.


· I Introduction

· II Marketing Analysis

· III Product Research

· IV Competitive Analysis

· V Feasibility suggestion

I. Introduction

Magnetic memo board, a planning board that adheres to places like refrigerators and kitchens, assisting in managing schedules.

Life cannot wait for others to arrange it, and families need a sense of ceremony. For important moments such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and Valentine's Day, to avoid forgetting, the most practical method is to use a memo board to jot down and create a schedule checklist, ensuring proper time planning.

There are many benefits to using this tool. It not only helps you understand how to effectively utilize time but also allows you to accurately know when to complete specific tasks, making your personal life more organized and your family activities more coordinated.

Planning Boards has a relatively small market size, with annual sales of approximately $16 million. New product quantity accounts for 39% of sales, indicating that consumers are receptive to new products. However, the low product threshold and high PPC bidding pose certain challenges, and sellers need to consider their own situation before deciding whether it is suitable to enter the market.

II. Marketing Analysis

The basic market situation

The average monthly sales of the top listings are 3,517 units, while the average monthly sales of new products are only 900 units. The overall market demand is relatively low and niche.

New products account for 39% of the total, and sales account for 33.3%. To some extent, new products are more likely to enter the TOP100 list, and the average price of new products, which is $17.37, has slightly increased compared to the TOP100 average price of $16.79. There is no obvious trend of low prices for new products.

Category keywords Google Trends

Keywords include:

· planning board

· fridge calendar

· chore chart

· dry erase calendar

· magnetic calendar for refrigerator

The yellow represents the planning board, and the blue represents the fridge calendar

Category Keyword ABA Ranking Trend

According to the ABA ranking trend based on category keywords, it will reach its peak in August and will be relatively low in ranking in November and December. The keyword ranking fluctuates significantly, but overall, it shows an upward fluctuation trend.

The ABA ranking for the keyword "magnetic calendar for refrigerator" has been rising rapidly in the past year, which may be related to an increase in consumer demand for this type of product.

BSR sales and competitive situation

Looking at monthly sales, there is a cyclical small peak from July to September each year, and the increase in sales may be related to the back-to-school season.
Looking at the entire year, the overall annual growth rates from 2020 to 2022 are 86.69%, 112.74%, and -2.06%, respectively. After several years of rapid growth in the US market, the growth rate of magnetic whiteboards has begun to slow down, and the annual growth rate for 2023 is expected to be 22.92%.
In terms of the number of category products, it has increased from around 400 in 2021 to around 1200 in 2023, and many sellers are still entering the market.


In summary, the market size of Amazon's magnetic memo board on the US site is not very large in 2022, with an annual sales volume of around 950,000 and sales revenue of around $16.43 million. After several years of rapid growth, there is a gradual slowdown trend, and the annual growth rate is expected to be 22.92% in 2023, with sales expected to reach 1.17 million units in 2023.

The proportion of new products in this segment market is around 39%, which is relatively high, meaning that new products have a great opportunity to enter the TOP100. Among them, the market share and proportion of new products in the memo board set are the highest, and from the actual product data, there may be good prospects.

III. Product Research

Planning Boards Style Analysis:

· In terms of product combinations, they usually consist of monthly planners, weekly planners, memo lists, and other accessories such as marker pens and erasers.

· In terms of product materials, they are usually made of acrylic, polyester fiber, paper, PET, and other materials.

· In terms of product colors, the colors are mainly transparent, white (with black or colored accents), with a few adding other colors.

· In terms of user groups, the usual users are family members, children, husbands, daughters, mothers, and other roles.

Product Operations Analysis

The sales trend chart shows that the sales of the notepad set started to rise in the second half of 2022 and the upward trend in 2023 is becoming steeper, possibly related to global economic recovery.

The price trend chart shows that the price of the notepad set experienced a significant increase during the back-to-school season in 2022, rising from $10 to $20, a 100% increase. It remained relatively stable for the following year.

Price Analysis

Product price distribution: Most of the products are distributed in the price range of $0-$24.99, with only 2 products priced above $25. Although the $0-$9.99 range accounts for 10.2% of the total, the prices are too low, resulting in less substantial profit margins.
Percentage of new product price ranges: New products are mainly concentrated in the price range of $10-$24.99, with a higher proportion of new products falling within the $15-$19.99 range. Additionally, the average sales volume per ASIN is also the highest within this price range, making it a suitable choice for pricing.

Brands Analysis

In the performance of the notepad suite brands, there are 5 brands with multiple ASINs entering the TOP100, while the other brands have single ASINs entering. The top 11 brands have monthly sales of over 1000 units, but the market size is relatively small.
Apart from the AITEE brand, which accounts for more than 10% of the sales, the sales distribution of other brands is balanced, indicating no significant monopoly effect among the brands. Although the sales volume is not large, each brand can still get a share of the market.

Situation of TOP3 brand monopoly

The top three category brands account for 24% of sales, while the top ten account for 46%. There is not a significant monopoly effect, which means there are many opportunities for both new and old sellers to develop and grow.

Category Brand Sales

Among the top 10 brands, 50% of them entered the BSR through multiple ASINs, while the other 50% entered through a single ASIN. In addition, only 4 brands had new products entering, while the other 6 brands had no new products. Consumers have a relatively high acceptance of new products.

Among the top brands, 4 of them have an average price lower than $10 (relatively low), which may require some innovation in the product for new products or new sellers to better control gross profit. Otherwise, it is easy to form a price war between brands.

New style inspiration

1. Customizable Novel Shapes
Products often have a gift-like attribute, so the design can be more diverse to increase visual variety, attract consumer attention, and upgrade aspects like 3D modeling or product packaging.

2. Diverse Styles
Looking at the styles, the composition of monthly calendars, weekly planners, and to-do lists is too monotonous. To meet consumers' unsatisfied needs, combinations of markers, sizes, colors, etc., can be added. Additionally, specific styles can be developed for different user groups, such as study plans, word lists, clocks, weather, and more.

3. Intelligent Functions
Incorporating intelligent features like automatic style switching, reminders for important events, temperature and humidity alerts, nutritional pairing, voice recognition, cloud sharing, etc., can make the product versatile and enhance the effectiveness of displayed information.

4. Innovative Material Usage
Using lighter and more durable materials allows the product to be attached not only to refrigerators but also to various surfaces like walls, desks, offices, schools, etc. It should be removable without leaving any marks.

IV Competitive Analysis

Customer Profile

From the basic audience profile, we can see that:

· In terms of usage scenarios, keywords such as diet plans, lists, and appointment schedules are frequently mentioned, reflecting that consumers primarily purchase goods for planning purposes.

· In terms of audience relationships, family members are the most frequently mentioned keywords, reflecting the universality of shared family use. The main usage locations are indoor spaces such as refrigerators and kitchens, followed by offices and schools.

· In terms of usage frequency, daily usage is the most common, followed by weekly usage. Christmas is also a high-frequency keyword, reflecting that consumers occasionally purchase such goods as gifts during holidays.

· Based on the above dimensions, the typical target audience includes family members who use refrigerators daily for meal planning or scheduling, as well as office workers for appointment scheduling.

Usage Scenario

The main usage scenario is meal planning, which reflects users' strong demand for managing family meals; family schedule management is also an important scenario, demonstrating that the product can help organize family life.

About 10% of users also have work schedule planning, which shows the practicality and versatility of the product; children's activity planning reflects the potential of the product for helping with family education and management. Users also mentioned the compatibility with the refrigerator, which can provide direction for product innovation and optimization design. Users selecting products as gifts can add some decorative elements to increase the visual appeal.

The core prices of this category of products are concentrated between $6-10 and $14-20; beyond $20, the proportion of users purchasing in various scenarios decreases significantly. There are hardly any user choices below $6.

The price range of $6-10 mainly caters to users' needs for practical life tools, such as simple reminders, note-taking, and appointment scheduling. These consumers usually value price discounts and seek practicality.

The $14-20 price range targets users who have higher requirements for product quality and functionality. They need the product for scenarios like household meal management and schedule planning, and they prioritize the product's practicality and reliability.

Customers' satisfaction and dissatisfaction

The core requirement of users for this product category is quality, but the most serious quality issues are with the product markers and erasing tools, as well as insufficient magnetic attraction, which were mentioned by nearly 26% and 16% of users, respectively. This reflects the need for improvement in the quality control and design of these components.

Other complaints about the product are mainly related to size and shape, and there is room for improvement in adaptability.

The key factors that users praise about this product category are cleanliness, simplicity, and organization. This indicates that users not only focus on the product's basic cleaning ability but also value its visual design and functionality.

From the unmet needs of users, it can be seen that their focus is also concentrated on improved labeling, better organization, size, and color, which are the fundamental attributes.

BSR Product Attribute Analysis

Analyzing the distribution of colors in the magnetic notebook BSR, it can be seen that white, transparent, and black are the development routes of the vast majority of sellers. Combining sales analysis, these three colors are also the most common choices for consumers.

Excluding white, transparent, and black, a dark horse has emerged from the sales trend in the color of magnetic notepads - blue and white. The blue and white product was only launched in September, but sales skyrocketed within a month.

Analysis of whether the magnetic notepad comes with a calendar, AI attributes recognize that most products in BSR come with a calendar.

Considering the sales volume, North American consumers prefer to purchase magnetic notepads with built-in calendars for convenient content planning.

V. Feasibility suggestion

Product Selection Recommendations

· Mainly promote practical basic models, offering a variety of size options; equipped with calendar function to optimize the compatibility of product design and application environment, introducing corresponding series.

· Introduce common white or transparent products to cater to mainstream consumer choices; also consider optimizing color combinations, such as blue and white, to enhance visual appeal.

Marketing and Promotion Suggestions

· Enhance the rendering of content for the application of products in scenarios such as home meal management and family life organization.

· Launch special activities to promote limited edition products for holidays. Consider providing product samples for consumers to try, in order to enhance awareness of real-life experience.

Operational Optimization Suggestions

· Enhance product usability and effective organization of life to increase user stickiness.

· Launch customized versions targeting main application scenarios to expand the coverage of target audience.

· Strengthen user operations, conduct scenario research on household users, explore more demand points, and iterate and optimize products.

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