How to filter out potential products through Listing quality score?

2024-08-09| Help Center|views(685)|Comments(0)

Listing Quality Score

Calculation method: The score obtained by analyzing the quality of the listing from the three dimensions of product. Pictures, product descriptions and ratings

The higher the score, the better the listing quality. (10 points out of 10)


A high-quality listing with high scores should have the following elements:

product picture

Number of pictures: preferably 7 or more

Main image background: should be white

Main image size: longest side no less than 1600px


product description

Title: max 200 bits on most of categories 

Five-bullet-point: no less than 5 

Long description: text description must be more than 1000 characters

EBC: Must have A+ photos description


Review and Ratings

Rating: Rating value 4.2 and above

Number of ratings: 10 and above


The above factors are all indicators that can effectively improve the conversion rate of listing. Please click to learn the specific optimization methods:

Listing Image Optimization Guide

Listing Title Optimization Guide

Listing Bullet-point Optimization Guide

Product Description Optimization Guide

A+ or EBC Optimization Guide


When selecting products, you can use the Listing quality score to analyze some potential products with high demand and low competition.

For example, select the home and kitchen category and set the filter conditions to monthly sales greater than 1,000 and LQS less than 5.0:

The analysis results are these products with a certain sales volume (highdemand) and low listing quality (low competition difficulty):


Of course, if a product has a high LQS, it does not mean that the market has no entry opportunities. Further research needs to be combined with other data to see if there is room for improvement in the product itself.

Open the Seller Sprite extension  on the Amazon Listing details page to quickly get the quality score of the listing.

It can be used for our listing as well, and optimize the listing in a targeted manner to increase the conversion rate.



For example, the following Listing can be optimized by increasing the number of pictures, adjusting the picture size, enriching the product description, and improving the rating average.


Click to download SellerSprite chrome extension: Click to download


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