Keyword Trend Research-Beginner Guide

2024-08-12| Keyword Sprite|views(6134)|Comments(1)

Keyword Trend Research is a tool used to look for products based on Amazon keyword search frequency rank (supports the keyword data over the last 14 weeks), provides insights into customer demand change.


For beginners, suggest getting started with our presets.

Presets one: Trending Market

Look for markets whose search rank rises fast and has a continuous growth over the last 4 weeks.

Filters: the search rank growth over the last 4 weeks is 10,000, the search rank growth rate over the last 4 weeks is greater than 10%.

This preset helps you find the market with high demand and continuous growth.


Presets two: Rapid-Growth Market

Look for markets whose search rank rises fast over the last week.

Filters: the search rank growth rate over the last week is greater than 50%.



The keyword whose search rank rises rapidly is a sign the market may have an urgent demand.


Presets three: High-Demand Market

Look for the top 1w most searched market.

Filters: The maximum search rank is 1,0000.



The top 1w searched keyword of each category indicating the top 1w market with the greatest demand.

These markets have high demand and traffic but high competition. It’s suitable for powerful sellers. 


Presets four: Potential Market

Look for the markets whose search frequency ranks well and keeps growing.

Filters: The search rank is 10,000 to 100,000, the search rank growth rate is greater than 10%. 



These markets have good demand but low competition. It’s suitable for most sellers.


Self-Defined Filters

Apart from the presets above, you can fill the filters based on your own product idea and conditions.


For example, you want to find a market whose demand grows continuously but has low competition.

First, choose one category

Second, choose the presets【Trending Market】 (the search rank growth over the last 4 weeks is 10,000, the search rank growth rate over the last 4 weeks is greater than 10%), in addition, fill the filters the search rank is great than 50,000.



You can find the keywords whose search rank rise fastest by sorting the keyword with weekly ranking change rate in descending order.



Dig deep into a certain market

If you want to dig deep into a certain market on Amazon, you can enter a specific keyword to narrow down the search result to a particular niche.


For example, to find all the markets related to the yoga mat.

Enter the keyword “yoga mat”, you can find all the keywords that contain this keyword.


Moreover, you can enter a specific keyword to analyze your target market based on the keyword’s data.

For example, to analyze the market meat chopper.

Enter keyword “meat chopper”, you can get the data for the keyword.


You can roughly judge the demand and competition of this market by analyzing these data. (Eg, judge the monopoly of the keyword with the indicator keyword click concentration).



If you want to analyze the market deeply, you can get the market report and analyze it.

Click to learn how to get a market report quickly: Market Report-Provide All Data Points Needed for Market Analysis



Improve your products

You can learn the search rank and the top 3 clicked products for a specific keyword, and compare the competitors for your product improvement.


Keyword trend research is a tool to find the markets with opportunities. To make a product decision, you need to consider many other factors like cost, market monopoly, product supplier, etc. Our extension can help you make a comprehensive analysis of the market.

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