Traffic Analysis V2.0 Guide

2022-12-29| Guide|views(5347)|Comments(1)

For most Amazon sellers, your primary source of traffic and sales is “internal”. 

There are 6 access the internal traffic drive to your listing product:

1. Amazon search results

2. Amazon Advertising

3. Amazon Product Recommendations

4. Amazon Deals area

5. Amazon Category list page

6. Amazon Trending page(Best Sellers, New Releases, Movers & Shakers, Most Wished For, Gift Ideas)

Among them, the two largest access are Amazon search results and Amazon Product Recommendations.

Amazon search results: It drives traffic to your product listing by keywords, and the results include organic products and sponsored products. This means people who type in or open the app, and either find your product from the search results or click on one of your sponsored ads.

Amazon Product Recommendations: Amazon uses product recommendations to effectively boost sales and achieve tremendous business growth. It recommends similar, related and advertised products to buyers on the search results page or product listing page. Your product may be one of the recommended items.

With Traffic Analysis tool of SellerSprite,  you can help you reverse-search competing ASINs for organic and sponsored keyword ranking data, and discover the products recommended by Amazon product recommendations algorithms, paid and free.

Comparing the traffic distribution of competing products, you can supplement your Amazon traffic sources, and optimize your traffic sources in a targeted manner, especially the free traffic. Insight in the search terms and recommended products to competing ASINs to improve your Amazon strategy to gain more impressions and conversions.

Traffic Distribution

Through Keyword Distribution and Related Products Distribution the two charts of the given AISN , you can overview the traffic distribution of a product,  then make an effective marketing strategy for your product.

Take B07H3QKN2Z as an example:

Keyword Distribution refers to the number of search terms that make this ASIN appear on the first 3 pages in the past 30 days.

Related Products Distribution refers to the number this ASIN displayed in the recommended section of the other product listing page in the past 30 days.

The yellow bars represent free traffic, and the purple bars represent paid.

For Keyword Distribution chart, there are a total of 1589 search terms driving traffic to this ASIN, of which 1202 are organic searches,  around 75.65% is free traffic,while the paid searches are 747, around 47.01% in total searches. For Related Products Distribution chart, the free recommended products are 412(16.09%), while the paid recommended products are 2148 (83.91%).

Maybe you have noticed that the sum of the proportion of free traffic and paid traffic is more than 100%,  because the same keywords are driving free traffic and paid traffic to this ASIN at the same time, and they would be counted in both parts.

As B07H3QKN2Z, Organic Searches(75.65%)+ Paid Searches(47.01%)= 122.66%, means there were 22.66% keywords both in organic searches and paid searches.

Hover the mouse over the bar chart to see the number and proportion of the corresponding traffic words, and click the bar chart to view the the details of relevant words.

Click Metrics Reference in the top right, you can see the full name of each traffic access and where it appears on the Amazon website.

If the your ASIN has much higher paid searches than organic searches(As shown in the figure below), and it is a newly released product, there is no problem. If not, you should pay attention to your PPC strategy.


Contrary to the above, if organic searches are much higher than paid searches, your ASIN will reach fewer buyers.

However, the overall goal remains the same —Use organic and paid search together to maximize your ASIN shown on the amazon search results.

Reverse Product Lookup - Keywords

Reverse product Lookup is advanced Reverse ASIN Lookup, this powerful tool can help you to find quality keywords and reverse-search competing ASINs for organic and sponsored keyword ranking data.

SellerSprite Reverse product Lookup tool shows all the traffic keywords and keywords details of the given ASIN. Click the filters button on the right, you can narrow down your results to refine keywords.

In this case, if you set the conversion rate more than 5% in organic searches, you can get 369 keywords.

Click the check-box in front of multiple keywords,then click the comparison button, the comparison chart will pop up, you can compare the search volume, purchase volume, purchase rate and other metrics of the selected keywords.

Reverse Product Lookup - Related Products

Amazon has been using product recommendations since 2015. The recommendations were incorporated in every aspect of the Amazon platform.  With Related Products feature of SellerSprite Reverse Product Lookup tool, you can know which products recommend your product and where your product displays. 

Click the product picture or the blue number below the picture, and you can see Sales Trend, Historical Trends, Ratings Rate and Crucial Keyword Search Trends of this product.

Click the checkbox in the upper right corner of multiple products,then click the comparison button,the comparison chart will pop up, you can compare the Sales, Revenue, Price, BSR, Ratings and Rating of the selected products.


If your goal is to increase the visibility of your products and to gain more awareness, the Product Targeting feature can help you a lot. You can use it in two different ways.

One way is to make a list of your best-selling items and start boosting them more. For products that already have a great conversion rate, the Product Targeting feature could bring you a greater chance of increasing sales. It’s always profitable to invest in products that have a great return on investment.

The second option is like a product launch. If you want to make a progressive start with your new product, the Product Targeting campaign could help you with that.

Perform market research to find the most popular brands, and then target them at the very beginning. This way, you’ll be able to reach shoppers who didn’t even know about your product at the beginning of its life cycle.

By targeting competitors, you are able to show your product on their product listing and steal shoppers from them. Of course, it would be best for you to target products that have a higher price and a lower star rating than your own products. With this approach, shoppers have more reasons to buy your product, as you’re giving them an obviously better offer.

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