Difference Between Static and Dynamic Keyword Mining

2024-08-08| Guide|views(1528)|Comments(0)

Keyword mining, one of the methods for collecting keywords, involves expanding a single keyword into several related core keywords or long-tail keywords, which are then incorporated into product titles, bullet points, or search terms. It can be used for keyword preparation before product listing and for keyword optimization after product listing.
Static keyword mining is based on expanding keywords themselves to obtain keywords containing search terms.
Dynamic keyword mining, on the other hand, is based on the sub-markets to which keywords point on Amazon, extracting all core keywords that bring traffic to that market.
Taking the keyword "portable charger" as an example, the search result count for static mining is 2089. By default, the results are arranged in descending order of monthly search volume, with higher-ranked keywords having larger monthly search volumes. Static mining expands based on "portable charger" itself, so the obtained keywords will always be long-tail keywords containing "portable charger."

If the search term is a phrase (with two or more words), the query result will display all long-tail keywords containing that phrase, regardless of the order. For example, searching for "portable charger" may result in combinations like "portable charger iphone," "portable phone charger," or variations in word order like "phone battery charger portable."
By clicking on phrase match, matching can be done exactly in the order of the words in the phrase, similar to phrase matching in Amazon ads.


The search result count for dynamic mining is 200+ (currently, the system only supports viewing and exporting the top 200 data). By default, the results are arranged in descending order of relevance to the sub-market pointed to by the keyword and search term. Higher-ranked keywords indicate greater traffic to this sub-market in the past six months.
The system first locates the keyword "portable charger" in the sub-market of power banks on Amazon, then extracts all core keywords that bring traffic to this sub-market, such as "battery pack" and "power bank." At this point, the obtained keywords may not necessarily include the search term "portable charger."
Hovering over the corresponding keyword reveals the top 10 product rankings in Amazon's internal search results. This allows us to verify whether the search results under dynamic mining truly point to the same sub-market.
For instance:
Keyword "portable charger":


Keyword "battery pack":

It can be seen that the search results for these keywords on Amazon's front end are all for the same category of products, indicating that they point to the same sub-market. Thus, buyers can find power bank products through keywords like "portable charger," "battery pack," and "power bank."
In summary, dynamic mining can uncover all core keywords pointing to the target market, while static mining can uncover precise long-tail keywords pointing to the target market. Using both together can uncover all relevant keywords for a sub-market, useful for keyword optimization in listings and PPC, keyword research, or market discovery.

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