How to Search Trademark: A Comprehensive Guide by SellerSprite


In the ever-changing world of cross-border e-commerce, knowing how to search trademarks is very important for building a brand. For sellers, getting a trademark is one of the first steps, especially since Amazon is now focusing more on "branding." 


To make this easier, SellerSprite has a new feature that helps with trademark searches, making the registration process smoother. 


In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps using the US site as an example, offering helpful tips and an easy method for new sellers to use this tool effectively.

What is a Trademark on Amazon?

A trademark on Amazon is a unique symbol, name, or logo that identifies your brand and sets it apart from others. It helps protect your brand from being copied by other sellers. Registering a trademark allows you to join Amazon's Brand Registry, which offers extra tools to manage and grow your brand on the platform.

How to Search Trademarks Online?

1、Navigate to the US Trademark Office Website:

Begin your journey by visiting the official US Trademark Office website:

2、 Initiate a Basic Word Mark Search:

Click on "Basic Word Mark Search (New User)" to start your trademark search process.

3、Enter Your Desired Trademark:


Input the trademark name you wish to search, such as "Anker," and click "Submit Query" to obtain results.

4、Decipher the Results:

Understand the search results, where "LIVE" indicates active trademarks and "DEAD" signifies expired ones.

5、Explore Detailed Information:

If you're keen on checking the trademark registration in countries beyond the US, visit the respective trademark offices. 


Here are some useful links:

Global Brand Database by SellerSprite

Alternatively, leverage SellerSprite's Global Brand Database feature for a convenient one-click global search. This feature taps into the WIPO trademark database, allowing you to check the global registration status effortlessly.


Bonus: Enjoy free access to this feature from December 1 to December 31 with SellerSprite.



The results page offers convenient filters based on data range (corresponding registered countries or regions), current status, application date, and more.


How Do I Add a Trademark Symbol to Amazon?

To add a trademark symbol to Amazon, start by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account. Navigate to the "Inventory" tab and select "Manage Inventory." 


Find the product you want to update and click "Edit." In the product title or description fields, insert the appropriate trademark symbol (™ for unregistered trademarks or ® for registered trademarks) by copying and pasting it where needed. 


Once you've made your changes, click "Save and Finish" to update your product listing. This ensures that your trademark symbol is displayed correctly on your Amazon product page, helping to protect your brand.

Can I Sell on Amazon Without a Trademark?

Yes, you can sell on Amazon without a trademark, but having one offers several advantages. Without a trademark, you can still list and sell your products, but you may face challenges such as other sellers copying your listings or using your brand name. 


A trademark provides legal protection and helps you join Amazon's Brand Registry, which offers additional tools to manage and protect your brand. While it's not mandatory to have a trademark to start selling, obtaining one can enhance your brand's credibility and safeguard your business in the long run.


Trademark searches are an important part of selling online, and with SellerSprite's new features, sellers can handle this process easily. Whether you're experienced or new to selling, using these tools helps you smartly register your trademark, increasing your chances of success in the busy online market. 


Don't miss the special offer—sign up with SellerSprite today and improve your trademark process!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find registered trademarks?

To find registered trademarks, you can use the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. They have a searchable database called TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System). Simply enter the name or symbol you want to check to see if it’s already registered.

How do I find a list of trademarks?

You can find a list of trademarks by using the TESS database on the USPTO website. This tool lets you search for trademarks by name, owner, or registration number. It’s a helpful way to see which trademarks are already taken.

How to use a trademark search system?

To use a trademark search system like TESS, go to the USPTO website and access the TESS database. Enter the name, logo, or symbol you want to check in the search bar. The system will show you if the trademark is available or already registered.

What is proof of ownership of a trademark?

Proof of ownership of a trademark includes a registration certificate from the USPTO. This document shows that the trademark is officially registered in your name. You may also need to provide evidence of using the trademark in commerce, like product labels or advertising materials.

What are marks that cannot be registered?

Marks that cannot be registered include generic terms, offensive words, and deceptive names. Also, any mark that is too similar to an existing trademark or describes the product directly cannot be registered. It’s important to choose a unique and appropriate mark for successful registration.







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